Siemens EDA Forum
Hsinchu 2023

March 30, 2023

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睽違三年,Siemens EDA Forum Hsinchu 2023 即將於3月30日以實體/線上同步舉辦的方式與您見面!


數位轉型已是現在進行式,電子行業在數字化大潮中不斷邁進,預計今年IC和系統設計行業的創新將繼續創下新的里程碑。在全球迎來新常態經濟模式之際,Siemens EDA Forum Hsinchu 2023將著重於AI EDA Tools, Automotive IC, Complex SOC, Advanced Node及3D IC與您一起探討當前IC設計及半導體產業最先進的技術和研發趨勢,並與業內同仁互相交流,掌握產業新契機。


誠摯邀請您一同參加Siemens EDA Forum Hsinchu 2023,與我們共同積極佈局設計,決勝未來。










Welcome Opening - Nina Lin, Vice President, General Manager Taiwan & PacRim South, Siemens EDA



Emerging stronger from the downturn - Joseph Sawicki, Executive Vice President, IC EDA, Siemens EDA



Breakout session introduction - Lincoln Lee, PacRim Technical Director, Siemens EDA



Booth tour & Lunch break

Track 1
AI EDA Tools

Track 2
Automotive IC

Track 3
Complex SOC

Track 4
Advanced Node

Track 5



Calibre SONR - Machine Learning Based Process Aware Layout Analytics

The Union of SoC Design Phases and the Functional Safety Flow

Veloce proFPGA
increases design
efficiency and brings
SoCs to market faster

Aprisa Intrinsic Intelligence P&R for Advanced Node Designs

3DIC Overview and using xSI and Calibre 3DSTACK flow for 3DIC assembly



Getting the Right Answer with Machine Learning - Utilizing Solido Variation Designer for Accurate Variation-aware
Design Verification

Automate ISO 26262 FMEDA

Optimal DFT Solution with Tessent SSN - Lower Cost, Better PPA and Faster TTM

Enabling Your Jump to N3E using the Cloud and Calibre nmDRC

Integrated System Parasitic Extraction Solutions



Booth Tour & Break



Evolutionary and
Revolutionary Innovation for Effective Verification Management & Closure

Improving Test Quality and Reliability for Automotive ICs via In-system/In-field Testing

Optimization for Low-power Designs with an Early Power Methodology

Solving advanced node verification challenges with AI-powered Custom IC Verification platform from Siemens EDA

How assorted functions in XPD make you  accomplish advanced package designs efficiently



Increasing quality and achieving power, performance, and area metrics for standard cell and memory IP by utilizing Solido library IP solutions

Cybersecurity Threat Detection and Mitigation Using Tessent Embedded Analytics

Increasing efficiency in Power Analysis and Management Using Velcoe Emulation Platform

mPower transistor-level EMIR enables large scale EMIR for confident tape-outs

Implementing DFT in 2.5D/3D Design using Tessent Test Solutions



Closing Comment / Lucky Draw

Large Design
New Technology


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Joseph Sawicki
Executive Vice President, Integrated Circuits, Electronic Design Automation
Joseph Sawicki is a leading expert in IC nanometer design and manufacturing challenges. Formerly responsible for Mentor’s industry-leading design-to-silicon products, including the Calibre physical verification and DFM platform and Mentor’s Tessent design-for-test product line, Sawicki now oversees all business units in the Siemens EDA IC segment.

Sawicki joined Mentor Graphics in 1990 and has held previous positions in applications engineering, sales, marketing, and management. He holds a BSEE from the University of Rochester, an MBA from Northeastern University’s High Technology Program, and has completed the Harvard Business School Advanced Management Program.

Emerging stronger from the downturn

The semiconductor industry grew and thrived through recent, unprecedented times that included massive supply chain disruptions and a global pandemic. The past three to four years were far from typical, and there is uncertainty starting to show as the industry works through inventory corrections and other structural change. This uncertainly may create a limited short term contraction, but as we emerge into a new normal there is a compelling case for optimism.  Rarely in industry history have so many mega-trends converged at the same time. Most of those mega-trends require true design innovation.
History shows that those companies that invest proactively in design during a downturn emerge poised for success and the return to growth. In his keynote, Joe Sawicki, executive vice president of IC Siemens EDA, will explore how the historical semiconductor trends give strong reasons for hope.  Then, he will survey emerging capabilities in EDA that can help you design your way to success in the upcoming recovery.


Track 1-1

Chuan-Chun Lee
Calibre SONR - Machine Learning Based Process Aware Layout Analytics
Chuan-Chun Lee
Chuan-Chun Lee 目前為負責台灣區 Calibre 產品設計解決方案的資深應用工程師。加入西門子EDA前為 foundry 的主任工程師,負責光罩資料處理和自動化建置相關業務。Chuan-Chun 主要負責 non-TSMC OPC/MPC/MPD/Fab solution 的技術支援和相關產品評估。

Calibre SONR 是一套以機器學習為主的輔助分析工具,使用者可以從晶片的電路設計或製程端汲取相關的特徵值,接著透過 supervised 或 unsupervised 的機器學習方法建模,有了 ML model 後就能進行各式各樣的分析,例如:hotspot prediction、defect classification 和 layout comparison 等。
Track 1-2

Jiandong Ge

Getting the Right Answer with Machine Learning - Utilizing Solido Variation Designer for Accurate Variation-aware Design Verification
Jiandong Ge
Jiandong Ge is a highly skilled Senior Application Engineer Consultant with 17 years of experience in the EDA industry. He is an expert in supporting Solido product families, specializing in delivering exceptional customer service and technical support. Throughout his career, Jiandong has demonstrated his dedication to continuous learning and professional development. He holds a Master degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and has pursued ongoing training in his field.

Modern silicon design considerations such as mission-critical usage, low voltage operation, and the latest process technologies have expanded the scope of SPICE-level verification. We now require millions or billions of SPICE simulations for many design steps, which brute-force methods are simply not equipped to handle while meeting production schedule deadlines. As a result, IC verification strategies must evolve to cover exponentially more scenarios than before.
Variation-aware SPICE-level verification of designs over process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) corners as well as local variation mismatch is a critical verification step towards achieving successful silicon. This ensures final silicon operates correctly and within power and performance specifications, and is robust enough to handle local and global variation, as well as the range of operating conditions as designed for.
In this session, we discuss how Solido Variation Designer and Analog FastSPICE (AFS) enable verification teams to achieve high accuracy and coverage for variation-aware verification at 3, 4, 5 and 6+ sigma targets. With an AI-powered engine, Variation Designer maximizes the utilization of simulation budgets to achieve accuracy and coverage targets, while improving runtime by orders of magnitude.

Track 1-3

Layra Men
Evolutionary and Revolutionary Innovation for Effective Verification Management & Closure
Layra Men
Layra has a decades of experience in IC design industry, technology expertise in mobile communications, digital and analog co-simulation, and UVM. She is responsible for overall technology of functional verification solution. She participates engagements with partners, joints customer initiatives,  and takes a major role in the deployment of the major accounts such as MediaTek and ARM-China. She also develops and delivers technical training on SystemVerilog, QuestaSim, and Visualizer Debug Tool. Layra joined Siemens from Mediatek, where she was a designer for 4G/3G Modem. Prior to her time at Mediatek, Layra worked for Novatek as integration RD for Large-sized Panel. Layra holds a B.S.E. and M.E.E in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from National Tsing Hua University.

This presentation will cover the evolution of features and tools to provide efficiency and acceleration to the verification process as well as the revolution required to take full advantage of collaboration, traceability, and emerging technologies provided by machine learning (ML) and virtually unlimited cloud computing resources.
The content will included :
How to enhance your current D&V workflow with proven collaboration, requirements traceability, coverage tracking, regression management, and more as inspired by proven technologies from the software world
How ML can be applied to the analysis of the coverage model using analytical navigation to speed understanding and accelerate closure.
How ML can complement rules-based systems to improve regression efficiency and debug turn-around times.
What is required to take full advantage of this kind of massive compute resource scalability with respect to both dynamic reaction and streaming data.

Track 1-4
Leo Chang

Increasing quality and achieving power, performance, and area metrics for standard cell and memory IP by utilizing Solido library IP solutions
Leo Chang
A resourceful CAD and Application Engineer with 23-year industry experiences in IC design, verification, manufacturing and testing. Currently, Leo is responsible for supporting Solido Characterization Suite and Solido Variation Designer. Leo received his EE master degree of National Chiao Tung University in 1999.

Standard cell and memory library IP form the majority of silicon area in silicon-on-chip (SoC) designs, and are essential to ensuring production silicon meets power and performance requirements, within the targeted silicon area. Today, standard cell and memory teams today face new challenges in design and verification, as well as library integration. Standard cells and memory bit cells are highly replicated components and require high-sigma SPICE verification, which leads to impractical runtimes using traditional brute-force methods. For newer process nodes, this also results in the requirement to characterize standard cells with statistical .lib models, or LVF.
Library IP integration flows have also expanded to include a wide spectrum of design views and formats, such as functional, physical, electrical, and other views. Therefore, IP must be validated to be correct, accurate, and consistent between different views and formats before production usage.
This presentation will cover Solido library IP solutions: an intelligent, ML-enabled solution for design and verification of standard cells and memories, powered by differentiated Solido technologies in Solido Variation Designer, Solido Characterization Suite, and Solido Crosscheck, as well as Analog FastSPICE (AFS).

Track 2-1
Ann Keffer
The Union of SoC Design Phases and the Functional Safety Flow
Ann Keffer
Ann Keffer is the worldwide Product Marketing Manager for functional safety verification at Siemens EDA.
Ann received her undergraduate degree in computer science and mathematics and started her career as a software developer for Hewlett Packard. After a successful career in management roles at Hewlett Packard, she led worldwide marketing and product management for companies in the automation, robotics and automotive functional safety verification industries. She joined Siemens EDA June of 2019


Intercepting SoC development with functional safety methodologies is a daunting challenge. This presentation describes how the Siemens unified safety platform helps analyze and validate the development of a safety architecture through an integrated, closed-loop workflow. In this presentation we will show that Siemen’s safety verification tools and unique methodologies are easy to adopt and how they accelerate each development phase to completion.

Track 2-2
CY ChangAutomate ISO 26262 FMEDA
CY Chang
CY Chang 目前擔任Siemens EDA 的設計解決方案應用工程師,在EDA與IC設計廠商有超過十五年的驗證經驗,目前負責推廣OneSpin 相關產品並提供技術支援

A central concept in ISO 26262 is that of safety goals. Random hardware failures may lead to violation of safety goals and hazards that could result in loss of human lives. Automotive ASICs/FPGAs/SoCs include safety mechanisms that prevent or control random hardware failures. Engineers must list potential failure modes and provide evidence that the safety architecture achieves the target automotive safety integrity level (ASIL) of the chip or safety element out of context (SEooC). Failure modes, effects, and diagnostic analysis (FMEDA) is a powerful method to assess the safety architecture and implementation. OneSpin automates the FMEDA steps through a series of safety apps integrated in a comprehensive, interoperable flow that leverages structural analysis, formal proofs, and expert knowledge.
Track 2-3
Ivan ChouImproving Test Quality and Reliability for Automotive ICs via In-system/In-field Testing
Ivan Chou
Ivan Chou is Siemens EDA field application engineer Consultant, focusing on Tessent Automotive solutions. Before joining Siemens EDA, he was a DFT assistant technical manager in Mediatek and a senior engineer in tsmc.  He engaged the solution for yield enhancement and silicon diagnosis analysis for nearly ten years. He graduated from National Central University with both bachelor's degree and master degree in electrical engineering.

The demands of safety-critical ADAS systems introduce new challenges to semiconductor designers in meeting functional safety requirements defined by the ISO 26262 standard.
Discover how In-System DFT technologies can be leveraged to meet ISO 26262 functional safety requirements and how they can support modern In-Life automotive requirements.

Track 2-4
YiChiang ChangHardware-Based Cybersecurity Threat Detection and Mitigation Using Tessent Embedded Analytics
YiChiang Chang
YiChiang Chang is Siemens EDA senior field application engineer, focusing on Tessent Embedded Analytics solutions in the Asia-Pacific region. Before that, he worked as a technical marketing manager in a CPU IP company, engaged in product management and marketing analysis of emerging technologies such as RISC-V CPU, hardware acceleration automation and virtual prototyping, and in Silicon Valley FPGA company, focusing on MCU /CPU architecture, FPGA EDA development for more than ten years. He graduated from National Kaohsiung University with a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and obtained double master degrees in computer science and electrical engineering from Santa Clara University.

Cybersecurity is increasingly important for embedded systems, especially in the automotive industry. Ubiquitous, interconnected, and mission-critical electronic devices increase the vulnerability to attack and create an urgent need to protect systems of all kinds from malicious activity. In addition to market pressures, there are also strict standards for cyber defense of automotive systems. There are many solutions to network security and encryption using software, but the effects of these solutions are limited. This time, we'll show you how to use embedded analytics to detect, understand, and mitigate cyber threats at hardware speed. It is extremely difficult for attackers to compromise the system and adds an additional layer of defense to the existing network security environment. We introduce Bus Sentry, a new product designed specifically for this purpose, and provide details on Secure-CAV, an innovative collaborative research project led by Siemens to improve the security of future connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs)
Track 3-1
David Lu
Veloce proFPGA increases design efficiency and brings SoCs to market faster
David Lu
David Lu graduated from the EE master of National Tsinghua University in 2001, he has served in the semiconductor industry (Etron / TSMC / Synopsys) for more than 20 years. Specialized in SOC /ASIC /FPGA Design flow, David is currently ProFPGA engineer consultant of Siemens EDA. Assisting customers in developing SOC platform and import of FPGA prototyping flow.

Electrons system of all sizes are routinely being integrated into single integrated circuits(ICs).When the largest system-on-chip(SoC) make headlines, there are numerous small and medium SoCs that must be implemented quickly and efficiently. Verification of these designs must include hardware, drivers' software and application software. This verification requires three coordinated approaches. The veloce family of verification tools includes the Veloce Strato emulation platform and the Veloce Primo enterprise prototyping platform, which focus primarily on the verification of hardware and its interface to low-level software infrastructure. These constitute two out of the three necessary verification vehicles. We will also need the ProFPGA. Because software tends to be developed in a modular fashion using a board team of coders, each developer needs to be able to run their portion of code at any stage of software development independently of the other of all developers – ideally using a system on their destop.
Track 3-2
Jeff Fan
Optimal DFT Solution with Tessent SSN - Lower Cost, Better PPA and Faster TTM
Jeff Fan
Jeff Fan (范熾東) is Taiwan and ASEAN (台灣及亞太區) Application Engineer Manager for the Tessent product family at Siemens EDA. Jeff has over 20 years of experience in various DFT aspects with respect to hierarchical flows and architectures including Scan, Memory / Logic BIST, Diagnosis. Jeff has been Tessent support engineer for more than 12 years and lots of support experience in different kind of DFT designs.
Jeff has also worked with factory and worked together with development to develop Tessent multi-die solution. He has lots of insight knowledge about tessent 3D IC solution. Jeff holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.

The Tessent TestKompress Streaming Scan Network (SSN) technology enables a true bottom-up design flow that decouples core level and chip level DFT configuration.
With SSN, it is no longer necessary to iterate between core level and chip level DFT configuration to achieve an optimal and cost-effective DFT configuration. Each core can be designed with the most optimal compression configuration for that core. The core level scan channel configuration is now completely independent of the number of chip-level pins available for scan test.

Track 3-3
Thomas LinPower Optimization for Low-power Designs with an Early Power Methodology
Thomas Lin
Thomas Lin worked as design engineer and application engineer in leading design houses and EDA companies.He is familiar with digital design flow, from high-level synthesis to physical implementation. Now, he focuses on power optimization/estimation solutions.

This session introduces how to deploy PowerPro platform into design flow, and how to help designers actively reducing power consumption in each design stage.
Track 3-4
David LuIncreasing efficiency in Power Analysis and Management Using Velcoe Emulation Platform
David Lu
David Lu graduated from the EE master of National Tsinghua University in 2001, he has served in the semiconductor industry (Etron / TSMC / Synopsys) for more than 20 years. Specialized in SOC /ASIC /FPGA Design flow, David is currently ProFPGA engineer consultant of Siemens EDA. Assisting customers in developing SOC platform and import of FPGA prototyping flow.

Power is everywhere. Traditionally, power used to be a concern with mobile and handheld device due to battery life considerations. But now, power as a concern is prevalent in all verticals of the industry. For the IC targeting to terminal side, there is a strict requirement for power consumption. Therefore, low power design palys a key role in SoC design process. With ever-increasing design density and the complexity of the test scenarios, verification of system power before tape out is becoming more and more important.
Track 4-1
Henry ChangAprisa Intrinsic Intelligence P&R for Advanced Node Designs
Henry Chang
Henry Chang, Sr. Director of Product Management, joined Siemens EDA in 2020 through Siemens' acquisition of Avatar Integrated Systems, where he was vice president responsible for product management of Aprisa place and route solutions. Prior to Avatar (formerly AtopTech), he was director of marketing of AMS product line at Mentor Graphics. Henry started his career as a co-founder and chief architect of Anagram Inc., a company pioneered fast-SPICE simulation technology, which was later acquired by Avanti.
Henry received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington, Seattle. He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from National Chao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, and MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Syracuse University, New York.

Today’s advanced technology nodes have only heightened the challenges that P&R tools must face. At the same time, these nodes create new and even more complex challenges that make it harder for designers to achieve design closure during the proverbial last mile (ECO time) of a tapeout. To meet these demands, designers need an intrinsically intelligent P&R solution that has true correlation between pre- and post-route, and to signoff, and requires less engineering effort to meet PPA for even the most complex chips. Aprisa, the Siemens digital implementation solution, was built from the ground up with a detail-route-centric architecture that, out of the box, manages many of the issues designers have had to account for in their current methodologies.

Track 4-2

Vivian Jiang

David Feng

Jimmy Tien

Enabling Your Jump to N3E using the Cloud and Calibre nmDRC
Vivian Jiang, Technical Manager, TSMC
David Feng, Asia Azure HPC/AI Solution Sales Lead, Microsoft
Jimmy Tien, Advanced product engineer, Calibre foundry programs, Siemens EDA

Vivian Jiang
Vivian Jiang is responsible for TSMC’s  OIP Cloud Alliance. She leads the joint development projects among TSMC and worldwide ecosystem partners to create Cloud-optimized design solutions for customer adoption of TSMC’s advanced technologies. “TSMC DRC Sign-Off in the Cloud with Calibre® nmDRC™ software” is the latest example of the Cloud Alliance strategic initiatives. She brings over 20 years of experiences in the semiconductor industry.’’

David Feng
馮立偉先生目前任職於微軟亞洲區-HPC/AI解決方案副總經理一職,專職推廣 Azure 高效能 AI 運算於製造、半導體等產業及領域,參與眾多大型客戶 EDA 上雲專案,同時幫助客戶運用雲端平台打造安全的作業環境. 馮立偉先生在資訊業界超過 25 年經驗,為台灣第一位 Microsoft Security MVP, 先後在美國微軟及台灣微軟任職。2020 年起榮獲美國微軟年度 Platinum Speaker award, 為大中華區各大 HPC/AI 相關研討會講師。

Jimmy Tien
Jimmy is Product engineer in Calibre Design Solutions Foundry Program. Jimmy is accumulating more than 5 years in Siemens EDA, and have 4 years experience in TSMC, and responsible for come out advance physical verification solutions, DRC cloud solution and DFM flow support and maintenance. Jimmy received a master’s degree in Photonics in National Tsing Hua University.

EDA on the cloud- The emergence of the cloud provides IC and systems developers with new ways to address exploding complexity, the need for massive computing capacity, and the challenge of cross-organization collaboration. By leveraging the right partners, architectures, and security practices, the cloud can accelerate product development, improve productivity, and focus resources on the highest-value activities.

Computation is growing faster node over node as Moore’s Law progresses – particularly at the most advanced nodes. Siemens EDA has collaborated with our partners to both demonstrate the improved turn-around times available by leveraging the cloud as well as to capture Cloud Flight Plans (i.e. best known methods) for our joint customers to get the best performance in the cloud.  With the explosion in compute, it is becoming increasing difficult to access the necessary on premise resources to achieve the fast turnaround times needed to intercept the market window for your next design.  With the “infinite” resource pool of the latest technology servers in the cloud, one can not only access the hardware resources needed to maintain your current turn-around time but in fact achieve more design iterations per day allowing more time to optimize your design or shortening your time to tape out. Come learn more about how to take full advantage of the cloud with Calibre.

Track 4-3
Jason Pang

Solving advanced node verification challenges with AI-powered Custom IC Verification platform from Siemens EDA
Jason Pang
Accumulating more than 15 years in EDA industry, Jason is proficient in Analog simulator and Computer Aided Design.  Serving as the Sr. consultant in Siemens EDA, currently he is responsible for supporting Analog Mixed signal simulator, Solido Variation-aware design and Solido characterization Suite. Jason received his master degree of Computer Science in Yuan-Ze University, in 2008.

The demand for smarter and more reliable electronic systems has exponentially increased across applications targeting consumer, industrial, high-performance computing, medical and automotive systems. The hardware requirements for these intelligent systems have pushed the semiconductor physics envelope to newer and smaller process geometries for better power, performance, and area (PPA).
Attend this session and learn how Siemens EDAs next generation Custom IC Verification platform helps top semiconductor companies address advanced node verification challenges and produce higher-quality silicon designs in shorter design and verification cycles. The session showcases AFS eXTreme technology to speed-up simulation performance for large-post-layout advanced node designs, next-generation Symphony Pro mixed-signal platform to verify complete mixed-signal ICs using digital-centric methodologies, and Solido AI-powered technology for variation-aware high-sigma verification, library characterization, and IP QA, including Solido Variation Designer, Solido Characterization Suite, and Solido Crosscheck.

Track 4-4
Alvin Liu

mPower transistor-level EMIR enables large scale EMIR for confident tape-outs
Alvin Liu
Alvin Liu在2015年12月取得美國亞利桑那大學電機所碩士學位後即加入西門子EDA至今。目前為負責台灣及亞太區Calibre 產品設計解決方案的資深應用工程師。Alvin主要負責聯發科集團Calibre LVS/PERC的技術支援以及亞太區mPower 相關產品評估及客戶支援。

mPower Power Integrity offers both transistor level and gate-level solutions. The transistor-level flow enables rigorous analysis of large-scale analog designs that were not possible before. This new capability allows design teams to replace expensive, engineering-intensive workarounds with consistent, repeatable analyses that enable confident tape-outs.

Track 5-1
Rony Wang

Gordon Chang

3DIC Overview and using xSI and Calibre 3DSTACK flow for 3DIC assembly verification
Rony Wang, Account Technology Manager, Siemens EDA
Gordon Chang, R&D Center Deputy Technical Manager, ASE Group

Rony Wang, In charge of IC package solution in Asia-Pacific for Siemens EDA, including Package Verification, Design and Layout. Over 15 years’ experience in IC/system testing filed and more than 4 years’ experience in IC design/package field.


3DIC is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to traditional IC packages due to their potential to improve performance. However, implementing 3DIC is more complex than designing traditional IC packages, and verifying their assembly is even more challenging. To address these challenges, we will provide an overview of the full 3DIC design flow, highlighting the importance of assembly verification in 3DIC design, and discussing how xSI-3DSTACK flow can be used to implement it effectively. In particularly, we are pleasured to invite Gordon Change from ASE, Inc. to share valuable experience of adopting xSI-3DSTACK flow to develop a validated ADK and enable it for assembly verification in 3DIC design

Track 5-2
Myron Lin
Heterogenous Integrated System Parasitic Extraction Solutions
Myron Lin
Myron Lin, Senior Foundry Engineering Manager in Siemens EDA, who lead the engineer team to work with leading foundry to develop / improve RCX solution in advanced process node including 3DIC portfolio in order to  assist foundry offering RCX PDK to customers.

Accurate and efficient parasitic extraction of heterogeneous integrated systems is crucial in achieving their overall performance requirements. The main extraction challenges are related to the interposer extraction, TSV extraction and die-to-die coupling extraction.  This presentation addresses the above listed challenges and available Siemens PEX solutions for addressing those challenges. One of the key requirements is high frequency extraction of the large parallel busses connecting HBM and SoC which is, for different reasons, challenging for both the rule based tools and the field solver based tools. We will present an efficient RLCK high speed bus extraction that enables accurate  SI analysis . We will also talk about the different approaches to accounting for the TSVs parasitics  effects, their frequency dependent couplings as well as  the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches. Finally, a methodology to extract the capacitive couplings between the stacked dies will be presented as well as a flow to include those parasitics in overall extraction and simulation procedure.
Track 5-3

Eddy Lu

Gerald Hsu

How assorted functions in XPD make you accomplish advanced package designs efficiently
Eddy Lu, Senior Application Engineer, Siemens EDA

Gerald Hsu, Technical manager of platform marketing division of Computing, Connectivity & Metaverse Business Group, MediaTek

Eddy Lu, Senior Application Engineer, is in charge of HDAP (High Density Advanced Packaging) solutions in SEDA, including Xpedition IC Packaging tools and Calibre 3DSTACK. Eddy has supported customers for building up 2.5D/3DIC verification flows to verify system connectivity, and completing physical layout of advanced Fan-out RDL and Substrate designs.
Eddy Lu是西門子EDA資深應用工程師,負責 HDAP高密度先進封裝解決方案,包括 Xpedition IC 封裝工具和 Calibre 3DSTACK。 Eddy 支援客戶建立 2.5D/3DIC 驗證流程以驗證系統的連接性,並完成先進的Fan-out RDL 和封裝基板的物理佈局。

With the increasing complexity of 2.5D/3D IC designs and their various structures, designers require a comprehensive solution that encompasses planning, physical implementation, and verification. Xpedition Package Designer provides sufficient capacity and excellent performance to handle advanced packaging designs. Moreover, it offers various features that enhance the efficiency of completing layouts and address manufacturing concerns through better metal balancing control. The flexibility of scripting and automation further allows users to build a customized flow. Siemens EDA is pleased to invite Gerald Hsu from Mediatek to join the session and share his insights on how XPD supports packaging design perspective.

Track 5-4
Jeff FanImplementing DFT in 2.5D/3D Design using Tessent Test Solutions
Jeff Fan
Jeff Fan (范熾東) is Taiwan and ASEAN (台灣及亞太區) Application Engineer Manager for the Tessent product family at Siemens EDA. Jeff has over 20 years of experience in various DFT aspects with respect to hierarchical flows and architectures including Scan, Memory / Logic BIST, Diagnosis. Jeff has been Tessent support engineer for more than 12 years and lots of support experience in different kind of DFT designs.
Jeff has also worked with factory and worked together with development to develop Tessent multi-die solution. He has lots of insight knowledge about tessent 3D IC solution. Jeff holds a Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.

Next-generation devices increasingly feature complex architectures that connect dies vertically (3D IC) or side-by-side (2.5D) so they behave as a single device. The new Tessent Multi-die software delivers comprehensive automation for the highly complex DFT tasks associated with these 2.5D and 3D IC designs.
Tessent Multi-die software automates the generation and insertion of IEEE 1838 compliant hardware, defining the IEEE test access architecture for three-dimensionally stacked or 2.5D side-by-side integrated circuits. This solution helps customers dramatically speed and simplify critical design-for-test (DFT) tasks for next-generation ICs based on these architectures.

Lucky Draw



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